I am absolutely without a doubt, enjoying following the principles of Ayurveda. Since eating foods that are good for my dosha ( body type) I have noticed many benefits. In particular, I am never hungry, and have more energy. I have lost weight and feel in balance emotionally and physically.
However, getting used to eating lunch type foods for breakfast is taking some getting used to. And when I am travelling it is even more difficult to eat foods that I should be eating especially for breakfast. But when I stayed at the Mayfield Inn in Edmonton, and I ate at the Botanica Restaurant I had a pleasant surprise. I requested a "green smoothie" and they made it for me. I told them it was an easy smoothie, just lettuce, fresh ginger, and berries blended with a cup of water. My server came back and said that the cook asked what planet I was from, but after making it, said he would put it on the menu. yay!!!