Sunday, August 14, 2011

A True Story

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"
Watch "A Beautiful Truth" documentary because you care about your life and the life of those you love. This is the most compelling documentary I've seen on why "real" food is the only food you should be putting into your body.  It is over an hour but I think once you start watching it you'll stay unto the end.

I've been juicing for a little over a year.  I've realize that for me it is not enough just to drink organic juices for breakfast, but it is just as important to watch what else goes into my body throughout the day.  I am committed to a life of healthy radiance for myself and my family.  This quest has become more important after the new year when I discovered my sister had breast cancer.  I became more earnest in my search on her behalf to find foods that could give her body a chance for a continued long and healthy life.

Unfortunately, it is harder to get my family on board and to which perviously I would have said it's their choice, but now I am making the number one rule of the kitchen is it has to be live, raw, and non processed.  I am not bringing anymore processed foods into our kitchen. They'll thank me for it later. I am committed to letting food be our medicine and medicine be our food.  Yes, there is hope even for hard core pizza lovers.

Links: The Gerson Institute    The Juiceman  david wolfe joyful choices for health  Dr. Hal Huggins
Dr. Russell Blaylock  coffee Enema

Speaking of coffee enemas, here is an interesting video on the matter.

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